
Terms of Service


  1. 註冊

1.1 閣下須於使用服務或作出訂購時向本公司註冊。透過註冊,即表示閣下聲明(而本公司有權據此依賴有關聲明)閣下年滿18歲或以上,並有構成具法律約束力合約的能力。

1.2 閣下向本公司及透過搵地板網上商店提供商品的所有供應商聲明,閣下透過搵地板網上商店所作出的所有訂購將於閣下訂立合約的權力範圍內進行。

1.3 鑒於閣下使用本公司的服務,閣下同意:


1.3.2 保持及即時更新閣下的註冊資料以確保有關資料真實、準確、最新及完整。如本公司有合理理由懷疑任何資料屬不實、不準確、並非最新或不完整,本公司有權暫停或終止閣下的註冊。

  1. Registration

1.1 You must register with the Company when using the Services or placing an order. By registering, you represent (and the Company is entitled to rely on) that you are 18 years of age or older and have the capacity to form a legally binding contract.

1.2 You declare to the company and all suppliers who provide goods through lookflooring.com that all orders you make through lookflooring.com will be made within your power to enter into the contract.

1.3 In view of your use of our services, you agree to:

1.3.1 Provide true, accurate, up-to-date and complete information about you when completing the registration form; and

1.3.2 Maintain and promptly update your registration information to ensure that the information is true, accurate, up-to-date and complete. If the Company has reasonable grounds to suspect that any information is untrue, inaccurate, not up-to-date or incomplete, the Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate your registration.

  1. 訂購

2.1 本公司並非商品的賣家或供應商。本公司負責管理網站、安排訂單處理過程及完成提供閣下透過搵地板網上商店向供應商訂購的商品。

2.2 當閣下作出訂購時,即表示閣下按商品的指定價格向供應商購買該等商品。閣下一旦提交,則不得取消有關訂單,即使本公司仍未接納或拒絕閣下的訂單。

2.3 本公司將以電郵或WhatsApp形式確認本公司已收到閣下的訂單。該確認電郵或WhatsApp將提供:


2.3.2 所收取的價格詳情

2.3.3 閣下的訂單跟進資料

2.3.4 預計發送及交付的資料


2.4 本公司所接納閣下的訂單將只會涵蓋該確認所指的商品,而未必涵蓋閣下所訂購的所有商品。如屬此情況,則當本公司就閣下訂單的其餘商品進一步發出接納確認時,閣下就該訂單部分所作出的訂購方獲接納。

2.5 商品的存貨供應於網上顯示,並將由供應商定期更新。但不應被依賴作為閣下有意購買的商品是否確實有存貨的確切聲明。

2.6 本公司保留權利可全權酌情就任何理由不接納或取消訂單,包括但不限於:

2.6.1 閣下所訂購的貨物並無足夠的存貨;

2.6.2 未能就閣下的地區安排送貨;或

2.6.3 閣下所訂購的一件或多件商品所標示的價格因人為或電腦錯誤或供應商所提供的定價資料錯誤而出錯。

2.7 如本公司取消閣下的訂單,本公司將以電郵或WhatsApp方式通知閣下,並將盡快但無論如何於閣下訂單起計三十(30)日內於閣下的戶口存入本公司於閣下的信用卡所扣減的任何金額。閣下接納本公司毋須就閣下的不滿而作出任何賠償。

  1. Order

2.1 The Company is not the seller or supplier of the Goods. The company is responsible for administering the website, arranging the order processing process and fulfilling the delivery of the items you have ordered from the suppliers through the lookflooring.com.

2.2 When you place an order, you are purchasing the goods from the supplier at the price specified for the goods. Once you submit, you cannot cancel the order, even if the company has not accepted or rejected your order.

2.3 The company will confirm by email or WhatsApp that the company has received your order. The confirmation email or WhatsApp will provide:

2.3.1 Your order details

2.3.2 Details of prices charged

2.3.3 Your order follow-up information

2.3.4 Information expected to be sent and delivered

This communication will signify the Company’s acceptance of your order on behalf of the Supplier. You can track the status of your order online.

2.4 Your order accepted by the Company will only cover the goods specified in the confirmation, and may not cover all the goods you have ordered. If this is the case, your order for that part of the order will not be accepted until further confirmation of acceptance is issued by the Company for the remainder of your order.

2.5 The stock availability of goods is displayed online and will be regularly updated by the supplier. However, it should not be relied upon as a definitive statement that the item you intend to purchase is actually in stock.

2.6 The company reserves the right to not accept or cancel the order for any reason at its sole discretion, including but not limited to:

2.6.1 There is insufficient stock of the goods you ordered;

2.6.2 Failure to arrange delivery for your region; or

2.6.3 The price indicated for one or more items ordered by you has been incorrect due to human or computer error or incorrect pricing information provided by the supplier.

2.7 If the company cancels your order, the company will notify you by email or WhatsApp and will deposit the company’s credit card account in your account as soon as possible but in any case within thirty (30) days from your order. Any amount deducted. You accept that the Company shall not be liable for any compensation for your dissatisfaction.

3. 價格及付款

3.1 本公司將採取一切合理商業努力以於搵地板網上商店顯示準確及最新價格。然而,由於各類銷售商品的價格通常由供應商更新,故本公司於接納閣下的訂單前無法列出確實的價格。

3.2 如商品的價格於本公司擬接納閣下訂單時高於閣下作出訂購時的價格,則本公司將

3.2.1 取消閣下的訂單,或

3.2.2 聯絡閣下,以諮詢閣下是否有意支付較高價格或取消閣下的訂單。

3.3 如本公司取消訂單,而閣下已作出任何付款,則本公司將向閣下退款。閣下同意及接納本公司毋須就閣下的不滿而作出任何賠償。

3.4 本公司使用第三方付款服務以進行網上交易。當閣下作出訂購時,閣下同意及接納,受其條款及細則所限,閣下的付款資料(如信用卡資料)將會被本公司以及付款服務供應商收集、處理及保留。閣下同意及接納,閣下單獨及獨自承擔閣下於進行交易時所招致或產生的任何損失,且本公司於任何情況下均毋須承擔任何有關全部或部分損失。

  1. Price and Payment

3.1 The Company will use all reasonable commercial efforts to display accurate and up-to-date prices on the lookflooring.com. However, as the prices of various types of sale items are usually updated by suppliers, we cannot list exact prices before accepting your order.

3.2 If the price of the goods at the time when the company intends to accept your order is higher than the price when you make the order, the company will

3.2.1 Cancel your order, or

3.2.2 To contact you to inquire about your intention to pay a higher price or to cancel your order.

3.3 If the Company cancels the order and you have made any payment, the Company will refund you. You agree and accept that the Company shall not be required to make any compensation for your dissatisfaction.

3.4 The Company uses third-party payment services for online transactions. When you place an order, you agree and accept that, subject to its terms and conditions, your payment information (such as credit card information) will be collected, processed and retained by the Company and payment service providers. You agree and accept that you are solely and solely responsible for any losses incurred or incurred by you in the conduct of transactions, and in no event shall the Company be liable for any such losses in whole or in part.

  1. 送貨

4.1 貨品由第三方或供應商直接送貨,會一次或分多次送貨。有關發送商品的任何時間及日期,或送貨所需的時間僅為估計。 倘本公司未能符合任何訂明的發送或送貨日期或時間,本公司將通知閣下有關顧客訂單的進度。 閣下同意及接受,於任何情況下本公司均不會接受取消訂單或向閣下退款。


4.2 送貨費用視乎個別品牌及訂講數量而定。


4.3 送貨費用由收貨人直接交付給司機或本公司代為收取(視乎個別情況而定)。


4.4 默認送貨服務是車邊交收。 如需送貨上門服務,將會有附加費和停車費(如有)。請先聯繫本公司查詢。

4.4.1 車邊交收是一項允許收貨人從方便的地點取貨的服務。它如名稱所描述的那樣簡單 – 從您送貨地址外的路邊或司機可以合法停車的地方取貨。 收貨人必須配合司機的到達時間並從他們的車上取貨。

4.4.2 送貨上門是司機將貨物送到收貨地址單位的服務。請注意,有些司機會拒絕送貨上門,尤其是沒有電梯設備的樓宇,請先聯繫本公司查詢並安排合適的送貨司機或搬運工人。


4.5 本公司有權拒絕為無升降機設備的樓宇提供送貨上門服務。

4.6 本公司僅於香港的特定地區送貨,其他離島及偏遠地區(如需申請禁區紙)送貨地址或不能提供送貨上門服務。

4.7 如遇上八號或以上颱風訊號或黑色暴雨警告,當日及翌日之送貨服務可能會延遲或取消,本公司或供應商將聯絡顧客再作安排。

  1. Delivery

4.1 Goods are delivered directly by third parties or suppliers and will be delivered in one or multiple times. Any time and date regarding the delivery of the goods, or the time required for delivery is only an estimate. If we fail to meet any prescribed dispatch or delivery date or time, we will notify you about the progress of the customer’s order. You agree and accept that we will not accept cancellation of orders or refunds to you under any circumstances.

4.2 The delivery fee depends on the individual brand and the quantity ordered.

4.3 The delivery fee is directly delivered by the consignee to the driver or collected by the company (depending on individual circumstances).

4.4 The default delivery service is *Curbside pickup. If you need to ^Home delivery service, there will be surcharges and parking fees (if any). Please contact our company first to enquiry.

*Curbside pickup is a service which allows consignees to collect their order from a convenient location. It can be as simple as the name describes – a pick up from the curb outside your place or where the driver can legally park. Consignees have to match the driver’s arrival time and collect the goods from their car.

^Home delivery is a service which driver delivers the goods to the unit of the delivery address. Please note some drivers will refuse door-to-door delivery especially the building without elevator equipment, please contact our company to check and arrange a suitable delivery driver or porter.

4.5 Our company reserves the right to refuse delivery to buildings without elevator equipment.

4.6 The company only delivers to specific areas in Hong Kong, and other outlying islands and remote areas (if you need to apply for restricted area paper) delivery addresses may not provide delivery service.

4.7 In the event of a typhoon signal No. 8 or above or a black rainstorm warning, the delivery service on the same day and the following day may be delayed or cancelled.  Our company or the supplier will contact the customer to make arrangements.


  1. 顧客及收貨人責任

5.1 顧客須於送貨日期前最少兩個工作天(工作天表示星期一至星期五,不包括公眾假期),聯絡本公司作出送貨日期更改,須要重新安排送貨。

5.2 顧客必須提供正確及詳細的送貨地址及聯絡方式。

5.3 如司機在送貨前無法成功聯繫收貨人,或會引致貨品延遲派送或不能派送;如因無法聯繫而未能成功派送,重新派送所引起之額外費用(如有)須由顧客承擔。

5.4 如到達後無人收貨,貨品將會退回本公司或供應商安排重新派送,當中引起之額外費用(如有)須由顧客承擔。

5.5 如因顧客提供之收貨地址或聯絡資料不全而導致未能成功派送,所引起之額外費用(如有)須由顧客承擔。

5.6 如使用送貨上門服務,送貨之貨車有可能5.5公噸或以上,如不能直達樓宇大門外或進入停車場而需要額外推運貨品,或樓宇沒有升降機或所購貨品不能或不獲進入升降機而需要由樓梯搬運上樓,顧客須承擔所引起之額外搬運費用。顧客有責任在購買前確保貨品能夠進入樓宇門口、升降機及家門,並事先向本公司查詢有關樓梯搬運之費用及安排。 如所購貨品未能進入大廈門口、升降機及家門,或顧客反對支付額外之搬運費用,司機權決定將所購貨品放置於大廈門口/大堂給顧客需自行處公司或理或將退回本供應商,當中所引起之額外費用、風險及損失須由顧客承擔。


5.7 如顧客因上述原因拒絕承擔未能成功派送所引起之額外費用,本公司保留全權決定拒絕再次派送或取消訂單及從已付金額扣除當中所引起之額外費用之權利。

5.8 當閣下所購商品已送交收貨人,收貨人將成為商品的擁有人。 收貨人將自行承擔持有商品的風險而本公司將無須為它們的損失或損壞負責。

5.9 顧客請於收貨後即時檢查貨品,如有任何質量問題,必須於收貨後3日內提出,本公司會代為聯絡供應商更換損壞貨品。 更換之貨品必須未被使用、保留原有包裝及包括所有配件,更換細則由供應商作出最終決定權。

  1. Responsibilities of Customers and Consignees

5.1 Customers must contact our company to change the delivery date at least Two working days before the delivery date (working days represent Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) to reschedule the delivery.

5.2 Customers must provide correct and detailed delivery address and contact information.

5.3 If the driver fails to contact the consignee before delivery, it may result in delayed delivery or failure to deliver the goods; if the delivery is unsuccessful due to the inability to contact, the additional cost (if any) caused by the re-delivery shall be borne by the customer.

5.4 If no one receives the goods after arrival, the goods will be returned to the company or the supplier to arrange for re-delivery, and the additional costs (if any) incurred shall be borne by the customer.

5.5 If the delivery fails due to the incomplete delivery address or contact information provided by the customer, the additional cost (if any) incurred shall be borne by the customer.

5.6 If the delivery service is used, the delivery truck may be 5.5 metric tons or more. If the truck cannot directly to the gate of the building or enter the car park that driver needs to extra transportation, or the building has no elevator or the purchased goods cannot or not allow enter the elevator and need to be moved upstairs by stairs, customers must Bear the additional transportation costs incurred. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the purchased goods can enter the door of the building, the elevator and the door before purchasing, and to check with our company in advance about the cost of extra handling. If the purchased goods fail to enter the building entrance, elevator and home, or the customer opposes to pay additional transportation fees, the driver has the right to decide to place the purchased goods at the building entrance/lobby for the customer to handle by themselves or return them to our company or the supplier. The additional costs incurred, risks and losses must be borne by the customer.

5.7 If the customer refuses to bear the additional costs caused by the unsuccessful delivery due to the above reasons, the company reserves the right to refuse to deliver again or cancel the order and deduct the additional costs incurred from the paid amount.

5.8 When your purchased goods have been delivered to the consignee, the consignee will become the owner of the goods, the consignee will bear the risk of holding the goods and the company will not be responsible for their loss or damage.

5.9 Customers please check the goods immediately after receiving the goods. If there are any quality problems, they must be raised within Three days after receiving the goods. The replacement product must be unused, retain the original packaging and include all accessories. The replacement details are subject to the final decision of the supplier.


  1. 更換損壞貨品

6.1 任何的損壞貨品更換請於收貨後3日內提出,超過3日恕不接受。

6.2 如收貨後發現商品有任何損壞,必須於收到產品當日計起七天內向本公司提出更換貨品要求,超過3日恕不接受及必須符合以下條件:

6.2.1 保留所有包裝物料,包括原裝包裝物、訂單單據及其他配件。

6.2.2 電郵到 [email protected] 或 WhatsApp聯絡客戶服務部,提出更換貨品要求,並在郵件內註明有關訂單編號、退回商品名稱,更換貨原因詳情,及提供損壞貨品的照片或影片,屆時本公司將會聯絡有關供應商處理。

6.2.3 需更換之產品一經開封、使用或因個人原因而造成任何損壞的商品均不能退換。請保留及退回所有包裝,包括貨品原裝包裝盒、商品原標籤、證明文件、說明書等,並確保所有包裝在完好無損的狀態下退回,如有破壞或折曲都能退換。

6.2.4 只限更換相同型號及顏色的貨品。

6.2.5 產品的保養及保證由代理商/供應商/生產商自行負責。產品的保養細則視乎生產商/供應商的政策而定。

6.2.6 當確認符合貨品更換要求後,本公司會盡快通知客戶退換貨申請情況,並由供應商安排後續工作。

6.2.7 本公司有權(惟並無義務)按其絕對酌情決定對本條款及條件及任何資料,進行檢討修改、編輯或以任何其他方式作出變更,毋需另行通知。

6.2.8 如果您對產品有任何不滿意而需要更換,您必須根據本公司的更換政策而提出要求。若您未能齊備及退回所需文件或貨品,本公司有權拒絕您的申請。 否則有關產品會被當作為沒有任何質量或規格問題,這更換政策是您唯一就任何因產品質量或規格而引起的一切損害、損失責任及賠償的補償。

6.3 如有任何爭議,本公司保留酌情權以拒絕任何無效的更換要求。

  1. Replace Damaged Goods

6.1 Any replacement of damaged goods should be submitted within Three days after receipt, and will not be accepted for more than Three days.

6.2 If any damage is found to the product after receiving the product, you must submit a request for replacement of the product to us within Three days from the date of receipt of the product. If it exceeds Three days, it will not be accepted and the following conditions must be met:

6.2.1 Keep all packaging materials, including original packaging, order receipts and other accessories.

6.2.2 Email to [email protected] or WhatsApp to our customer service department to request replacement of the product, and indicate the order number, the name of the returned product, the details of the reason for the replacement, and provide photos or videos of the damaged product in the email. We will contact the relevant supplier for processing.

6.2.3 Once the product to be replaced is opened, used or damaged due to personal reasons, the product cannot be returned. Please keep and return all packaging, including the original packaging box, original label, tag, certification documents, and manufacturer’s guarantee, manual, ensure that all packaging is returned in an intact state. If it is damaged, the supplier has the right to refuse to return.

6.2.4 Only the products of the same model and color can be replaced.

6.2.5 The agent/supplier/manufacturer is responsible for product maintenance and guarantee. The product maintenance rules depend on the manufacturer/supplier’s policy. 6.2.6 After confirming that it meets the requirements for product replacement, we will notify the customer of the return and replacement application as soon as possible, and the supplier will arrange the follow-up work.

6.2.7 We have the right (but no obligation) to review, modify, edit or make changes in any other way to these terms and conditions and any information at our absolute discretion without prior notice.

6.2.8 If you are dissatisfied with the product and need to be replaced, you must make a request according to our replacement policy. If you fail to prepare and return the required documents or goods, our company reserves the right to reject your application. Otherwise, the relevant product will be deemed to have no quality or specification issues. This replacement policy is your only compensation for all damages, losses and compensation caused by product quality or specification.

6.3 In case of any dispute, we reserve the right to refuse any invalid replacement request.


7. 免責聲明及責任限制

7.1 本公司並不聲明或保證進入搵地板網上商店或其任何部份將不受阻擾、可靠或並無故障。

7.2 本公司並不向閣下聲明或保證搵地板網上商店或其任何內容將為準確、完整或可靠。

7.3 本公司並不聲明或保證:

7.3.1 任何服務(不論是否由本公司提供) 將以適當謹慎及技巧提供;或

7.3.2 任何商品 (不論是否由本公司提供) 將具備可商售品質或將適合任何用途(儘管已事先將該用途通知本公司)。

7.4 閣下同意互聯網上的數據傳輸不可保證為完全安全。儘管本公司致力保護該資料,本公司不保證且無法確保閣下傳輸給本公司的資料的安全。閣下向本公司傳輸任何資料須自行承擔風險。

7.5 於法例許可的範圍下,本公司排除因以下原因對閣下的所有責任 (不論於合約、侵權或其他形式出現及不論是否因本公司的疏忽):

7.5.1 就搵地板網上商店(包括使用應用程式或軟件)或其中的任何資料或相關的任何技術性、事實、文本或印刷上的不準確、錯誤或遺漏;

7.5.2 未能提供搵地板網上商店(或其任何部份)、商品或服務;

7.5.3 任何延遲提供,或未能提供或使商品或服務可取用,或任何對商品或服務的疏忽提供;

7.5.4 任何商品不具備可商售品質或適合其預期用途;或

7.5.5 任何有關搵地板網上商店、商品或服務的失實陳述。

7.6 除法例規定以外:

7.6.1 本公司將不就任何間接或相應而生的損失、損害或費用向閣下負責,包括由任何閣下知會本公司的問題而引起的利潤、時間、業務或商譽的損失,及

7.6.2 本公司將無責任以賠償方式向閣下支付任何款項,除非於此等條款及細則另有訂明。

7.7 閣下必須遵守及符合所有適用規例及法例,包括取得所有從搵地板網上商店購買商品所需的海關、進口或其他許可。本公司不就閣下購買的商品的出口或進口作任何陳述或承擔任何責任。

7.8 閣下同意此等限制就搵地板網上商店性質而言均屬合理,尤其是由於當閣下透過搵地板網上商店購買商品時,將每次與供應商訂立獨立的合約。

7.9 以上排除概不影響任何不可被排除的法定權利。然而,於該情況下,本公司的責任(於法律許可下)將限於向閣下再供應服務或商品。

7.10 以上各項排除或限制應被解釋為此等條款及細則中獨立及可分割的條文。

  1. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

7.1 The Company does not represent or warrant that access to lookflooring.com or any part thereof will be uninterrupted, reliable or free from failure.

7.2 The Company does not represent or warrant to you that lookflooring.com or any of its contents will be accurate, complete or reliable.

7.3 The company does not represent or warrant that:

7.3.1 Any service (whether or not provided by the Company) will be provided with due care and skill; or

7.3.2 Any merchandise (whether supplied by the Company or not) will be of merchantable quality or will be fit for any purpose (although the Company has been notified of such use in advance).

7.4 You agree that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure. Although the Company is committed to protecting this information, the Company does not guarantee and cannot ensure the security of the information you transmit to the Company. You transmit any information to the Company at your own risk.

7.5 To the extent permitted by law, the Company excludes all liability to you for the following reasons (whether in contract, tort or otherwise and whether or not due to the Company’s negligence):

7.5.1 For any technical, factual, textual or typographical inaccuracies, errors or omissions in relation to lookflooring.com (including the use of applications or software) or any information therein or related;

7.5.2 Failure to provide the online store (or any part thereof), goods or services;

7.5.3 Any delay in the provision, or failure to provide or make available the goods or services, or any negligent provision of the goods or services;

7.5.4 Any Goods are not of merchantable quality or fit for their intended use; or

7.5.5 Any misrepresentation about the online store, goods or services of the company.

7.6 Except as required by law:

7.6.1 The Company will not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss, damage or expense, including loss of profits, time, business or goodwill arising out of any problems you have notified to the Company, and

7.6.2 The Company will not be liable for any payment to you by way of indemnity, unless otherwise specified in these terms and conditions.

7.7 You must comply with and comply with all applicable regulations and laws, including obtaining all customs, import or other permits required to purchase goods from lookflooring.com. The Company makes no representations or assumes any responsibility for the export or import of goods purchased by you.

7.8 You agree that these restrictions are reasonable in view of the nature of lookflooring.com, especially as you will enter into a separate contract with the supplier each time you purchase goods through lookflooring.com.

7.9 The above exclusions do not affect any statutory rights that cannot be excluded. However, in such event, our liability (to the extent permitted by law) will be limited to resupply of services or goods to you.

7.10 The above exclusions or limitations shall be construed as separate and severable provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

8. 保證

8.1 閣下聲明、保證及承諾,閣下不會:

8.1.1 使用搵地板網上商店作任何欺詐或非法用途;

8.1.2 使用搵地板網上商店誹謗、辱駡、騷擾、跟蹤、威脅或侵犯其他人士的權利(包括但不限於其他人士的私隱權或宣傳權);

8.1.3 阻礙或干擾搵地板網上商店運作或本公司網站所用的伺服器或網絡;或違反有關網絡的任何規定、程序、政策或法規;

8.1.4 對搵地板網上商店傳送或發放任何有害或侵入性或可能或擬損害任何硬件、軟件或設備運作或監察任何硬件、軟件或設備使用的病毒、蠕蟲、特洛伊木馬程式或其他電腦編碼;

8.1.5 就任何商業用途而轉載、複製、出售、轉售或利用本公司網站(包括應用程式或軟件)的任何部分、或其使用或連接;

8.1.6 對本公司網站(包括使應用程式或軟件)的任何部分進行修訂、改編、翻譯、反向工程、反編譯或反彙編;

8.1.7 未經本公司的事先書面同意下建構或複製網站的任何部分;

8.1.8 以有組織地下載及儲存內容、用戶內容或任何網站內容的方式建立數據庫;及

8.1.9 侵犯商品的任何版權、設計權及知識產權權利。

  1. Warranty

8.1 You represent, warrant and undertake that you will not:

8.1.1 Use lookflooring.com for any fraudulent or illegal purpose;

8.1.2 Use the online store to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or infringe on the rights of others (including but not limited to the rights of privacy or publicity of others);

8.1.3 Obstruct or interfere with the operation of lookflooring.com or the server or network used by the company’s website; or violate any regulations, procedures, policies or regulations related to the network;

8.1.4 To transmit or distribute any viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other computers that are harmful or intrusive or may or are intended to damage the operation of any hardware, software or equipment or monitor the use of any hardware, software or equipment coding;

8.1.5 Reproduce, reproduce, sell, resell or exploit any part of our website (including applications or software), or use or link to it, for any commercial purpose;

8.1.6 Revise, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any part of our website (including applications or software);

8.1.7 Construct or reproduce any part of the Website without the Company’s prior written consent;

8.1.8 Establish a database in an organized manner to download and store content, user content or any website content; and

8.1.9 Infringe any copyright, design rights and intellectual property rights of the product.

9. 彌償

9.1 閣下同意就因違反本文內任何契諾、保證、聲明及協議而引致本公司及本公司的所有董事、僱員及承包商的任何索償、損失、損害、費用、開支(包括法律開支)或其他責任向本公司及本公司的所有董事、僱員及承包商作出彌償,並使本公司免受損害。

  1. Indemnity

9.1 You agree to any claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses (including legal expenses) or other claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses (including legal expenses) or other arising from the breach of any covenants, warranties, representations and agreements contained herein. Liability to indemnify the Company and all its directors, employees and contractors and hold the Company harmless.

10. 連結網站

10.1 搵地板網上商店中的若干連結(包括超連結)將引領閣下離開搵地板網上商店。連結僅為閣下便利提供,而包括任何連結不意味本公司對連結網站、其營運商或其內容的支持或認可。本公司不就搵地板網上商店以外的任何網站內容負責。

  1. Linked Sites

10.1 Certain links (including hyperlinks) in lookflooring.com will lead you to leave the lookflooring.com. Links are provided for your convenience only and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement or endorsement by the Company of the linked site, its operator or its content. The company is not responsible for the content of any website other than the online store.

11. 終止

11.1 倘閣下違反任何條款及細則,本公司或會立即終止閣下進入搵地板網上商店或註冊。

11.2 任何一方於終止日期所已產生的任何權利於終止後將仍可强制執行。

  1. Termination

11.1 If you breach any of the terms and conditions, the Company may immediately terminate your access to lookflooring.com or registration.

11.2 Any rights accrued by either party on the date of termination will remain enforceable after termination.

12. 知識產權

12.1 搵地板網上商店上所有內容、用戶內容、設計、文字、圖像及其他材料的知識產權權利,及其選取或安排由本公司擁有、控制或獲許可。嚴禁任何未經事前書面批准的授權使用。

12.2 搵地板網上商店中所有商標、產品名稱及公司名稱或標誌為本公司的財產或其各自擁有人的財產。本公司並無就使用任何該等商標、外觀、產品名稱、公司名稱、標誌或稱號給予批准,而該等使用或會構成侵犯持有人的權利。

  1. Intellectual Property

12.1 The intellectual property rights of all content, user content, designs, text, images and other materials on lookflooring.com, and their selection or arrangement are owned, controlled or licensed by the company. Any authorized use without prior written approval is strictly prohibited.

12.2 All trademarks, product names and company names or logos in lookflooring.com are the property of the company or their respective owners. No approval is given by the Company for the use of any such trademarks, designs, product names, company names, logos or designations which may constitute an infringement of the holder’s rights.

13. 一般事項

13.1 倘於此等條款中的聲明及保證乃透過搵地板網上商店向本公司及商品供應商所作出,閣下確認及同意有關聲明及保證乃旨在向所有有關供應商授出權利及為所有有關供應商的利益作出,而有關供應商各自可依賴及強制執行閣下所作出的有關聲明及保證。

13.2 本公司保留權利以隨時於沒有通知的情況下修改搵地板網上商店的內容(包括本公司所提供的服務)及此等條款及細則。倘此等條款及細則有所更改,將於網站公佈,而於任何有關更改後仍繼續使用搵地板網上商店即表示閣下同意受經修訂的使用條款及細則所約束。此權利包括更改任何組成此等條款及細則一部分的文件的權利。

13.3 本公司已作出一切努力以闡清搵地板網上商店上提供的商品的報價是否包括任何相關稅項或關稅。倘於任何情況下有關報價並不清晰,務請閣下於作出訂購前注意閣下可能須承擔除價格以外由供應商或法例所施加的稅項或關稅責任(如增值稅)。

13.4 本公司高度重視私隱問題。本公司的私隱政策涵蓋本公司使用閣下提供的任何資料。使用本公司的服務,即代表閣下同意本公司可根據本公司的私隱政策收集、儲存及使用有關閣下的資料。 閣下確認及同意受本公司的私隱政策條款所約束。

13.5 本公司保留權利可全權酌情拒絕用戶進入搵地板網上商店或其任何部分,而毋須作出通知,並可拒絕向任何違反此等條款及細則的用戶提供本公司的服務。

13.6 本公司概不會就任何違反此等使用條款及細則而向閣下負責,亦不會因超出本公司合理控制範圍的任何事件或情況而未能透過網站提供或延遲提供本公司的服務而向閣下承擔任何責任。

13.7 倘此等條款及細則的任何條文具司法管轄權的法院視為無效或不可强制執行,不會影響任何其他條文的有效性或效力,而有關失效的條文應被視作與此等條款及細則分割。

13.8 本公司可轉讓此等條款及細則或委任任何第三方向閣下提供服務,或履行此等條款及細則所載本公司的任何責任。

13.9 如未經本公司的書面同意,閣下不得轉讓或以其他方式處理此等條款及細則規定的全部或部分閣下權利及義務。

13.10 此等條款及細則載列各方的完整協定及諒解,並取代所有有關此等條款及細則的標的事項的先前口頭或書面協定、諒解或安排。任何一方均無權依賴此等條款及細則並無載列的任何協定、諒解或安排。

13.11 此等條款及細則受香港生效的法律管轄。閣下同意受香港法院的專有管轄權管轄。

  1. General

13.1 If the representations and warranties in these terms are made to the Company and the merchandise suppliers through lookflooring.com, you acknowledge and agree that the representations and warranties are intended to grant rights to and for all relevant suppliers. In the interests of the relevant suppliers, and the relevant suppliers can each rely on and enforce the relevant representations and warranties made by you.

13.2 The company reserves the right to amend the content of lookflooring.com (including the services provided by the company) and these terms and conditions at any time without notice. If these terms and conditions are changed, they will be posted on the website, and your continued use of lookflooring.com after any such changes constitutes your agreement to be bound by the revised terms and conditions of use. This right includes the right to change any of the documents that form part of these terms and conditions.

13.3 Every effort has been made by the Company to clarify whether any relevant taxes or duties are included in the quotations for the goods available on lookflooring.com. If in any case the quoted price is not clear, you are reminded before placing an order that you may be liable for taxes or duties imposed by the supplier or legislation (eg value added tax) in addition to the price.

13.4 The Company attaches great importance to privacy issues. Our privacy policy covers our use of any information you provide. By using the company’s services, you agree that the company may collect, store and use information about you in accordance with the company’s privacy policy. You acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms of our Privacy Policy.

13.5 The company reserves the right to deny users access to lookflooring.com or any part thereof at its sole discretion without notice, and may refuse to provide the company’s services to any user who violates these terms and conditions.

13.6 The Company will not be liable to you for any breach of these Terms and Conditions of Use, nor will it be liable to you for any failure or delay in providing the Company’s services through the Website due to any event or circumstance beyond the Company’s reasonable control. You assume any responsibility.

13.7 If any provision of these terms and conditions shall be deemed invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, this shall not affect the validity or effect of any other provision and such invalid provision shall be deemed to be incompatible with these terms and condition segmentation.

13.8 The Company may assign these terms and conditions or appoint any third party to provide services to you or perform any of the Company’s obligations set out in these terms and conditions.

13.9 You may not assign or otherwise deal with all or any part of your rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions without our written consent.

13.10 These terms and conditions set forth the entire agreements and understandings of the parties and supersede all prior oral or written agreements, understandings or arrangements with respect to the subject matter of these terms and conditions. Neither party is entitled to rely on any agreement, understanding or arrangement not set forth in these terms and conditions.

13.11 These terms and conditions are governed by the laws in force in Hong Kong. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.